Monday, June 30, 2008

ROAD RAGE!!!!!!!

I'm at the point where I'm going to start hurling frozen soda cans at folks because of their f@&king driving. If another person tries to cut in front of me who doesn't use they're DAMN frig gin' signal, I'm going off. I don't know what is with the fools down here. Either they don't see me or don't give a s@%t. I mean, is it really that hard to use your car signals. We all know that NYC cabbies are infamous for zigzagging and changing lanes without notice. That's why it makes sense to use public transportation. You actually save a whole lot of time and money, even if you end up sitting next to a person who wrecks to high heaven.

But here in GA, we have no PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!!!! We have MARTA,(I have no idea what it stands for so please don't ask) which is a privately owned company that each county has to pay individually for their services. Gwinnett county(the county I live in) refuses to pay because they want to keep the "bad elements" out of their neighborhood. (i.e. poor black/brown folk) because they're afraid that crime will rise. Let me tell you donkeys something.....we already have bad apples in our county and bringing in a busing system isn't going to change that one bit. Would you believe that the police busted a junior high prostitution ring? Junior high?!!! The oldest child involved was 15; it was being run by a 12 yr old. I admit, I was slick(or at least I thought I was) but I would never, EVER, E V E R thought of pulling a stunt like that. I'm digressing...bare with me.

The county has voted down the amendment for 15 yrs straight. Everybody complains about the volume of traffic in the "A" but the government does nothing about it. You should see how the roads are constructed here. The consensus is add more lanes to the existing roads. By my house, I85 South goes from 10 lanes down to 6 before reaching the next exit(Pleasant Hill). It's merging madness out there. I especially love the person who is trying to get in the carpool lane who doesn't use their signal and cuts straight across without looking. That takes some real cujones(balls) if you ask me.

Yesterday, I85 North was bumper to bumper. The donkey(heehaw, heehaw) on my right leans over into my lane(no signal mind you) and tries to get in front of me. We traveling 5 mph and there's no space between me and the car in front. I press on the horn and look this fool dead in the eye. I swear this jackass must have been HIGH because he didn't even realize what he was doing. Then you have the folks who are on the phone having a conversation who can't drive above 40mph. If you try to get past them, they get attitude and speed up so you can't get in front of. You have the ones that text on their phone as they are driving or, better yet read the newspaper and put on make-up/shave as they drive. I'm done being all nicey, nicey to folks. I'm kicking A$$$!!!!! I'm honking my horn, flashing my high beams, giving the bird, slamming on my brakes if you tailgate on the next fool who tries to pull stupid stunt. Watch, they're going to UPGRADE me to a tricked out Escalade.

This one is the best one yet and you will ONLY see this in the "A"....driving between 2 lanes. Yes, you read it correctly....driving between 2 lanes. Since they don't know which lane is going to speed up first, that take up both lanes. My mouth dropped when I saw it happen the first time. You can't pass these fools on the left or the right hand side because you don't know what direction they may head in. Now, you may be asking yourself...where are the police? I ask myself the same thing every time I get on the highway. The only time I ever see them out is on major holidays and when they need to fill their speeding ticket quota. I know, I know there is no such thing you say. BULLS@#T!!!!

This is the only place on the planet where 1 accident will affect every major roadway. It takes them hours, you hear me, HOURS to clear an accident. We wouldn't have so many accidents if people paid attention and kept their eyes on the road.

I shouldn't dump on my "new" home town but I know many of you feel the same way. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Peace out..............

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