yes ladies and gentlemen, it's true. i'm now one of the many hundreds of thousands of people who has been laid off. i can't say that i was TOTALLY surprised. it had been 6 weeks since a new project had come in. most of the time, i was sitting there with nothing to do and i was online chatting my little fingers away.
it happened last monday. my boss called me into his office. he was so nervous...staring down at his hands, wringing them and s@&t. he told me that i was a good drafter and could get things done quickly. at the same time, he had another drafter on staff who cost the company less money to pay. then he said i was a decent designer but i needed more supervision than he could provide. the recent hire required less supervision and had more experience than me(which is true because she's done more commerical work than me) so it was easier to keep her on staff because he didn't have to go over her work as thoroughly. then there was that matter that there weren't any new projects coming in. he admitted that the company was busy for the past months that he neglected to call his clients for new work. now 6 weeks later, he has an entire office full of people with nothing and i do mean NOTHING to do. as much as he regretted telling me, he was going to let me go because after much discussion (i wonder if he was referring to the BIGOT in the office; i didn't bother to ask) it was decided that i would be the best candidate to lay off since i would bounce back on my feet more quickly than the others. now, i'm not sure if i should take that as a compliment or as an insult. in other words, and you can all correct me if i'm wrong....he's saying that the others are incapable of finding other jobs, not smart enough to find other jobs or too stupid to find other jobs? i'm not sure which... he didn't say anything negative. he knows that i will not tolerate being disrespected. there's a HUGE difference between constructive criticism and disrespect. this man can be downright disrespectful. there were countless times when he's called my colleagues stupid and incompetent. i don't allow my mother to call me by those names, wtf made him think that i would let his curry eating a$$ get away with it. we had a major blowout last year. i'm not having it....i don't give a rat's a$$ who you are. most people will sell their souls for a paycheck; i'm not one of those people. i'm a person with integrity. how many people can say that nowadays?
i don't miss the place at all. i don't miss leaving my house at 6:15-6:30 in the morning, getting stuck in traffic on I-285 and having to do the whole thing over again in the evening. i don't miss the architect who referred to sconces(lighting fixtures) as scones(english pastries). i don't miss the architects who are so damn cheap, they give you no information on what they want but expect the design to be done to their liking in under a week. i don't miss the office loud mouth who has an opinion on everything and was always up in everyone's business. i don't miss the religious, right wing zealot who claims to be a Christian but has no tolerance for people of different faiths. i don't miss the russian robot who after 20+ years in this country still hasn't bothered to master the English language. i don't miss the southern belle who after a year's time still can't draft worth a lick. i don't miss my former boss who would ask for my honest opinion then would turn around and do the exact OPPOSITE of what i said. and most of all, i don't miss the big headed, puffed up chest, yea y gap saber toothed, dry cleaned white shirt, charlie brown look-a-like BIGOT who worked there. he'll get his in due time. GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY!!!!! he may have won the battle, but he certainly can't win the war. he likes to surround himself with negative, weak minded, submissive people. believe me, all of the people i just finished describing are like that. they live their lives in fear. always playing the role of a "victim" instead of "victor". i'm happy to say that i was the one individual whose spirit he could not break. it only shows you how powerful GOD really is. last year was not a good time for me. i was depressed and listless. i allowed that jacka$$ to have power over me and my emotions. once i reclaimed what was rightfully mine and stood my ground, this fool knew it was over. i'm sure he wanted to see me out the door long before this but my boss was hesitant because there was no one else in the office to do the work. now they have someone who apparently is getting paid less than me(i wonder if she knows that given she has a family and all). at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. i have my family, my own business and an unsurpassed set of skills and knowledge that would make any large firm happy to have me. i'm on my grind now. i've been blessed in more ways than words could possibly describe. everyone who i've told has said the same thing....they can't believe that i was the one let go. those who REALLY know me know how unhappy i was and how anxious i was to leave. they know the REAL reasons why. what's funny is that everyone comes to the same conclusion.....this is the universe's way of saying it's time for me to grow as a person and as an entrepreneur. everything ALWAYS works out for the best.
smooches, until the next time..............
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