Wednesday, August 6, 2008

RACE IN AMERICA....the continuing saga

i'm sure many of you saw the cnn special: Black in America. it was much better than i thought it would be. i'm not a big fan of documentaries. i watch tv to FORget my troubles, not to be reminded of them. they really did a great job. in 4 hours they covered a number of topics affecting the black community. my friend did raise an important question: who was this documentary REALLY for? which got me wasn't for black people. we know what the problems are because we either lived through it or know someone who is going through it right now. then it hit me, it was for white people. no offense to the white people who understand the struggle because there are many of you out there. it was for the white people who wonder WHY black people are always so MAD. it made perfect sense. it presented the facts with statistics(because we know how much white people LOVE numbers) and it put a face to the story.

now no one(mainly white folks) can deny that what WE as black people experience is real. it doesn't matter how much money or how successful you are....there are still some people who resent you for it. they don't feel that you deserve a fair shot, simply because you are black. it wasn't too long ago that black folks were forced to sit in the back of the bus, didn't have access to education or weren't allowed to votes. YES!!!! things have definitely changed and for the better. but we're not colorblind and a lot more still need to be done. race still plays a major role in how decisions are made. let's face it, companies admitted that they would rather hire an uneducated, white felon than a fully qualified black applicant. it's sad and it HURTS!!!! it doesn't matter how many degrees you have or what school you went to, you still may get overlooked because of your skin complexion. another thing that makes black people so damn MAD is companies that prefer to hire illegals(yes i went there). these companies avoid paying taxes and healthcare benefits because they're more concerned about making higher profits than they are people. or worse, there are some companies that don't want to deal with unions, so they'll close locations here in the US and move jobs overseas. face it if you're undocumented companies aren't responsible for giving you a decent living wage or working conditions. hell, you might not even get paid for a full days work. i mean who gonna call ......the department of labor, INS, homeland security? HA!!! give me a break.

DIVIDE & CONQUER!!!! that's all it is. those in charge figure if they turn blacks against latinos and blacks & latinos against asians, then we'll finish each other off because we're too busy scurrying around for the same jobs. well i say ENOUGH!!! it's time that blacks, latinos and asians took this nation by storm and showed them who's really running things. we have more in common than they realize. latinos & asians aren't accepted any more than blacks because we speak a different language and folks are scared of that because they think you are talking about them. i'll admit, sometimes we are talking about you(but that's another blog). they don't want us(latinos & asians) to celebrate our culture/heritage because they're threatened by it. once you become a citizen, you're expected to adopt "american" culture and it's values. but what is american culture? and what are it's values? this country was built by immigrants. no one wants people to come here illegally(believe me the co$ts involved are high). everyone who comes here wants a better life for themselves and their families. so let's STOP fighting and JOIN forces!!!!! my mother always says you attract more with honey than you do with vinegar.

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