Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Female Viagra aka little pink pill

Y'all this bad. Really really bad. Instead of focusing on bringing women more pleasure by creating more attentive lovers or creating a healthy environment where women can express their sexuality freely without judgement, big pharmaceutica has created a pill. According to them, this pill addresses a woman's low libido. This drug, Flibanserin was approved by the FDA this June after being rejected in 2010. Now the company that makes the drug was purchased for $1 billion by another pharmaceutical company. This isn't a coincidence.*side eye* When the drug was first introduced it was manufactured by a German company. An American company Sprout acquired the rights to produce and manufacture the drug. They went on a media blitz gathering public support before reapplying to the FDA. I hate to be the bearer of bad news *smh* you don't need this drug. Chances are your low libido has nothing to do with a physical ailment. More than likely it has to do with your views on sex. What's needed is a more emotional, mental and spiritual solution. Tantra can address all of those things.

Gentlemen, you're probably thinking that this little pill is a godsend. Do you really want your wife/lover numbed out on some drugs just so she can have sex? Here are a few reasons why your lady may have a low sex drive:

thinking too much
self conscious of her body

You want her to feel free and enjoy the experience. How can she do that when her mind is preoccupied with the kids, homework, dinner, laundry, housekeeping and work? Something takes a back seat and unfortunately that leads to your sexual needs being unmet. Make no mistake, this isn't an excuse by any means. I want to point out all the things that women do to keep their families going. The best way to help her(and you) to have more fulfilling, connected sex is to learn tantra. The shit you did back in high school and college doesn't work anymore. No one(alright some do) wants their nipples twisted like a radio dial. She needs to feel safe. When you're are masculinity is at it's height in the bedroom, you'll another side of your lady. She'll blossom like a flower before your eyes. The level of energy between you two will be off the charts. Here are a few suggestions to make your lady feel special. Learn massage(take a class, rent a dvd; it's an art form). It's one of the best ways to get your woman to relax. Set up date night. Find a sitter for the kids, take her out to a nice restaurant and play/show. Surprise her with a weekend getaway. Help around the house without her asking. Handle that honey do list. Imagine how impressed she'll be when she sees all the things you've done around the house.

Ladies, you have to make time for your man as well. You can't say have a headache all the time. Tantra can help you heal those old wounds that you carry about sex. Trust me, I'm a work in progress. I've come a considerable way since taking Master Yao's Grand Trine Tantra course. I took Tiers I and II. I'm not nearly as advanced as his other female students and I'm ok with that. I know that I've grown and continue to change every day. I really want you to take the time and delve into this type of work. I also took Jujumama's i2Tantra course. There are plenty of other tantra programs out there. Find one that suits you. I only endorse programs that I've taken. What I do know is this, you don't want to be dependent on a pill for your sex drive. That's completely cutting your self off from your energy source (kundalini)

Also, practice self care. Sometimes we're so busy taking care of others that we don't take enough time to take care of ourselves. Treat yourself to a mani/pedi, spend the day at a spa. Grab a book and find a quiet corner to read. Let your partner/husband handle the kids. Take a dance or painting class. The important thing is you find something to do that is fun. Notice how relaxed you feel afterwards. When you're ready, make the first move on your man instead of waiting for him to initiate. He'll be happy you did.

These are all suggestions, not cures. If you are really having difficulty relating to your partner go to therapy. Just stay away from this drug. There's no telling what the long term side effects will be. Try all the natural ways first: change of diet, exercise, meditation before turning to prescription drugs.

The links below are articles from the Daily Beast.

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