Monday, June 9, 2008

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus..

Can we talk? I mean really talk? Here's my question, what does it mean when a guy tells you that he likes you but isn't ready for a "relationship"? YES, I went there. I must have a sign over my head that says, "Rebound chick, now serving number ......" cause I don't understand. What does a man look for in a woman? One guy was intimidated because I made more money than him. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last very long. The latest drama is I've been accused of having "stronger feelings" for a guy than he has for me. What the hell does that mean? Is it possible that you're developing feelings for me and you're not prepared to face them? When did liking someone come with a price tag? What's "love" got to do with it anyway? Just because I "love" and care about you doesn't mean that I'm trying to make you my husband and have you on lock till death do we part.....?

Some men know what they want out of life. They have a vision. It's radiates off them and draws you closer; like a moth to a flame burned by desire. Those are the ones that are so busy working that they don't have time for a relationship. Who wants to sit around all day waiting for their man to come home? And what's with all the mind games? I read an article today on MSN about dating that said men are hunters and they are more interested in the hunt. To give them their space and take things slow. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!! I wanted to puke. Some guys are great storytellers; they say exactly what you want to hear when you need to hear it. Others are harder to read. Those are usually the ones who have no CLUE what they want. On the outside, they seem to have it all together. One minute, they can't get enough of you; next minute they're mad at you for making them "feel" something. There ought to be a class that teaches men how to deal with their emotions. Maybe that will give them some clarity. Sometimes it can take months to find out it's all a front. My thing is why lie about it. I'm going to find out eventually. I'm a woman of a "certain age" who doesn't have time for play games. If I want to play a game, I'll play "Tetris", "Bejeweled" or "Jenga". Don't f&*k around with my emotions!!!! There are plenty of GOOD men out there because I've met them. The problem is that they're already married.

One guy I dated call me a year later to ask if I still had any feelings for him. I'm thinking to myself....does this jacka$$ really think that I've been waiting by the phone for him to call me? That we would just "pick-up" right where we left off like nothing happened? Do I have the word DONKEY written on my forehead? HEEHAW HEEHAW..... I mean WTF?!!! Back in the day, my gut instinct would have been to laugh at this fool and make him feel small but I didn't do that. You'd be proud of me....I wasn't rude or mean and I didn't laugh. I know some of you are scratching your head wondering is this the same chick I went to school with? It's still me...I haven't been abducted by aliens(at least I don't think so)......Truth is, I didn't know what to say. It was awkward; you know that strange silent after someone says something and you don't know how to respond. I ALWAYS have something to say. I'd come to terms with this "relationship" and moved past it. I mean, if it takes you a WHOLE year to appreciate what you had then you weren't meant to have it in the first place.

Do men fear making a commitment or fear of making a mistake more? If you're woman says she needs you, would you turn your back on her and walk out? I'm talking about your "ride or die" chick, the one who has been there and put up with all your s@&t. The one who had your back when you were down and out. The one who showed patience and waited years for you to get your act together? How can/could you just walk away? Men should have balloons that tell you their hidden thoughts like VH1's "Pop Up Video". This way you know EXACTLY what they are thinking all the time. Each man would come equipped with his own remote control; this remote gives you the ability to turn the bubbles on or off as you pleased.

What's with the "shacking up" crap? If you don't want to be in a serious relationship, why live with a woman you have no intention of marrying? I know one guy who has spent the past year moving from one woman's house to the next. I told him he needed to get his OWN place(apartment, loft, condo, house, make shift shack) something that he could call his own. You wouldn't believe what he told me....he didn't like being alone. He'd rather deal with all this drama than spend one night sleeping by himself. Now that some FRAGNAGLEBULLS%*T!!!! I told him, within a couple of months she's going to expect the relationship to move to another level. If she's cooking, cleaning, washing you draws and sexing you every night then HELL YEAH she has an expectation of something more. He said, I know I know but I told her that I'm not ready for that; I need to get myself straight first. What's funny is he said it with a straight face. He was serious. All I could do was shake my head and call him hopeless.

I'm ready to hold a man down and show him that I've got his back. My mom gets angry because she feels that I should "raise my expectations". Some magazines tell us we're being too picky. That we should give brothers a chance and not be so dare I say the word.....defensive. I'm not jumping through hoops to show you that I care; I am not a circus act. Nor will I sit back and put up with your s!%t either. "Trix are for kids." The only tricks I like are the ones performed by magicians. If you're act is that bad, then make yourself disappear. And there is a thing as waiting too DAMN long. I saw that stupid chick flick "Sex in the City." I was the only one in the theatre PISSED OFF at the ending. I never watched the show when it was on tv. I knew what it was about but it never captured my attention. Folks in the theatre wanted to shoot me when I yelled, "Don't do it, don't do it"...."take a gun and shoot is a$$". I was too through after that. It made me wonder if I would ever do something like that out of sheer desperation just to say that I was married. It's easy to say no now because I'm not over 40. I care to think that my friends care enough about me that they would stop me from such madness.

Until the next time.....


Anonymous said...

You truly spoke your mind. You were factual and left nothing to wonder about. You go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL~you had me cracking up! I agree with you 110%. At this point, I just don't have the time or energy to try to figure out other people...I'm just doing me right now. But always refreshing to see someone else speak their mind! You sound alot like me actually...It's like you crawled around in my head and found all of my thoughts on men...LOL...I've been the rebound chick many times. My ex would pop up, disappear, reappear, this last time he vanished, found out he married someone else...And then out of the blue still tried to call me talking about how he was miserable in his marriage, and wanted to see me...I'm like yeah, right...I don't know what kind of weed he was smoking...Whatever it was, it gave him a false sense of reality...LOL...keep up the good 'words'...


Ruhi Shanthi, black latina yogi said...

I'm too old now to try to guess what you want. If you want something from me, then you need to come right out and say it. Cut the bulls@&t!!! That's why we're all stressed out. We're not communicating. Sulking does not get you attention. People don't want to spend time with someone who is always dogging themselves. They're supportive to an extent; they want to keep their sanity intact. Start by taking responsibility for our OWN actions. If there's something you don't like about your life, CHANGE IT for something better. Don't sit around complaining because that doesn't solve the problem; it makes it worse. Show yourself some love and keep it moving.