Tantra is that Asian body of beliefs and practices which, working from the principle that the universe we
experience is nothing other than the concrete manifestation of the divine energy of the godhead that
creates and maintains that universe, seeks to ritually appropriate and channel that energy, within the
human microcosm, in creative and emancipatory ways ~ Tantra in Practice, David Gordon White
Tantra enables us to manifest the world we desire. Think about that for a second: you can create the world and the life you've always dreamed about through sex. Obviously, there's more to it than random sex acts. I wanted to take this opportunity to list some of the ways you and your significant other can begin to create the life you desire most.
Ladies, compliment your man. Sounds simple right? tell him something sweet and seductive that will lift his spirits. i asked my male friends if they received positive words of encouragement and astoundingly many of them said NO!!! WTF!!! you know you have a good man, a good father, and a good husband take the time to tell him that.
i don't want to hear any excuses "well, he doesn't say anything nice to me" blah blah blah blah blah. i don't care. let that man know you desire him. Make him feel needed. sounds silly i know but men want to feel needed. show him that he's more than just a paycheck.
Initiate sex. that's right i said it.
stop waiting for him to make the first move. don't spend the entire day at the salon(i know how we are, once our hair is done we don't want anyone to touch it) and prance around the house in victoria's secret(although that's not a bad idea either). you do have to set time aside to be intimate with one another. masturbation is great and may get you over that hump but nothing compares to having a warm set of arms wrapped around your body. Or to get slightly more graphic, wrapping your legs around his waist. Men want to be desired too. Think back to the time before you had kids, you probably couldn't keep your hands off one another. well, now's the time to brighten that spark. put it on him. take a bubble bath together. give each other massages. suck on his &$@!.....(you get my drift and if you don't use your imagination).
Finally, love your body.(this probably should have been the 1st but work with me here I'm still shaking off the cobwebs capish). you have to love the skin you're in. i don't care if you have stretch marks, pot marks, gained a few pounds. if you don't feel comfortable with yourself, how can you expect you lover to be comfortable with you. walk around the house NAKED!!!!
that's right, NAKED with the lights on in some fancy heels that only pole dancers wear. see how quick that will get his attention.(watch him rise to attention too. heehee). these are but some of the ways, you can incorporate tantric principles into to your daily life. over time, you'll notice changes. i know i have. until the next time my sweets. get your SEXY BACK this 2013.
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