what is this fascination with SATAN?!!! things go awry and all of a sudden people claim that SATAN has been busy. what's up with that bullsh%t? why do folks insist on giving their power away? don't they realize that their words have energy. your thoughts and words create the world around you. so why would you continue to focus on something or someone(not sure what category this falls under) that serves no purpose in your life? that's the worst thing you can do to yourself and those around you. maybe i'm being too critical. i stopped going to church decades ago. it didn't bring me any fulfillment. it's funny because when i tell people that they ASSume that i haven't taken the time to find the "right" church. please don't flood my inbox with invitations to your church either. i'm sure it works great for you. i'm beyond that. i don't criticize anyone for believing religious dogma. actually......i take that back. i do criticize you from a place of love. *wink* i enjoy discussions with people of various faiths. i find it fascinating that so many people believe in so many different ideologies and can't find a common ground. i realized long ago that these different paths lead to the same place. it doesn't matter the name used or the book being read from. it comes from ONE source. many disagree and that's fine. what's important is that we respect one another's opinion and not resort to name calling.
which brings me to rant #2......can we have civil discourse without the name calling? just because i'm BLACK and LATINA doesn't mean that i have to believe what you believe. it's called a difference of opinion assh@le. geez....get a grip. i saw it happening all over facebook during the election. heaven forbid you say anything negative or criticize the president on his first term. negroes acted like they were going to lynch you and sacrifice your first born. all for what.....a difference of opinion? IDK. too many of us think we're free. in reality we behave like mental slaves to an oppressor we can't see. i don't agree with a lot of things people say even racist things. i realize that folks are entitled to think they way they think. it becomes a problem when you infringe on that right. if a business, corporation, church, non-profit etc. has beliefs you don't agree with, take your business elsewhere. as society changes, attitudes change. those that want to stay relevant and keep their doors open will embrace change. those that don't will shutter their doors and fade from memory.
rant #4 stop expecting others to make you happy. they ain't doing shi% and they don't want to see you doing sh^t either. no one can make you happy. only YOU can make yourself happy. i really took that to heart this year. i wasted so much time looking for something that would solve all my problems. my problems are still there i just developed a different outlook. instead of crying my eyes out, i say something snarky and look for a bright side. i don't spend time with negative folks. we ALL have crosses that we're carrying. i wouldn't trade mine with anyone because i have no idea what they are going through. having an outlet to vent is very therapeutic. find something that feeds your soul and enjoy doing it. my suggestion,,,,SEX. sex makes everything better. it beats drinking(bad for your liver) and helps you burn calories.(melts that unwanted belly fat)
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